Tii Fiber Optics Catalog

WALLMOUNTS 15 www.tiitech.com WALLMOUNT DISTRIBUTION ENCLOSURES Indoor single door wall mount fiber distribution panel. All-purpose construction using powder coat steel. Panel sizes include 1, 2, 4, 8 adapter plate capacity options. The WM2/4/8 are PSC and MFM cassette ready for economical stocking and fast modular deployment, or all sizes available custom factory loaded with adapters, trays, pigtails and cable stubs. WM X PBF XXX X XX X X CHASSIS FIBER PORTS FIBER TYPE ADAPTER PIGTAILS OPTIONS 1 = 1 Plate Mini 2 = 2 Plate 4 = 4 Plate 8 = 8 Plate 006 008 012 024 036 048 072 096 R = Singlemode K = MM62.5 OM1 C = MM50 OM2 S = MM50 OM3 FC = FC FA = FC/APC LC = LC SC = SC SA = SC/APC N = None 5 = 250umMIC 9 = 900umMIC R = 12 Fiber Ribbon L = Key Lock Installed (Not available in Mini) WM1PBF Mini Patch Panel Empty 1 Adapter Plate Capacity & Splice Chip 1.25” x 5.5” x 6.25” WM2PBF 12-Port Patch Panel Empty 2 Adapter Plate Capacity 9.5” x 13” x 3.5” WM4PBF 24-Port Patch Panel Empty 4 Adapter Plate Capacity 11.5” x 13” x 3.5” WM8PBF 48-Port Patch Panel Empty 8 Adapter Plate Capacity 17” x 12” x 6” PSCxxxxxxx PSC Patch and Splice Cassette FST-ASF24 Splice Tray 24 Single Fusion FST-AMF06 Splice Tray 6 Mass Fusion PSC CASSETTE COMPATIBLE (SEE PAGE 18)